The MINUILA understand that the purpose of their existence is to get results, satisfying customers with solutions that contribute to the socioeconomic development of the places where it operates.
This understanding is present in all our actions and our leads and our desire to look beyond the scope of exclusive deals. Establish a solid and profitable business group becomes thus a goal-means, necessary but not sufficient for our fulfillment. Therefore, social responsibility is a focus of attention of our strategic plan, which is the subject of long-term commitments.
MINUILA to act in a socially responsible is to act with transparency and ethics, always bearing in mind the purpose of raising the quality of life of its employees and their families, the communities it serves and society as a whole.
Policy guidelines for integrated managemen
Valuing the work, reliability, loyalty and professional improvement.
Reduce risks of working processes to prevention of occupational injuries and illnesses, for the safety and physical integrity of employees.
Contribute to improving the quality of life, promoting ethics and sustainable development.
Manage the generated waste and prevent pollution.
Prevent environmental impacts, economic and social impacts.
Always have in mind the goal of satisfying customers and other stakeholders.
Meet strict legislation related to risks in the workplace and the environment and other relevant requirements.
Rationalize the use of resources, including natural ones.
MINUILA supports stocks selected from direct contact with reality in the vicinity of their projects and ventures.